Fan Expo 2010

Monday, August 30, 2010

Hey Team

We made it through our first Fan-Expo sitting on the other side of the table. It was a whirlwind of a weekend and I still can't believe its over already. I have shown up for years and I always come away thinking that next time I should get a table. I am so glad that I finally did (and had a reason to) because we had nothing short of a great weekend.

Being new we had no idea what we were doing Friday afternoon but we learned a lot fast over the weekend and by Saturday I think we were rocking a pretty decent set up. Here is a picture of our set-up from Saturday morning. It didn't change too much after that other than us getting more drawings up behind us.

Speaking of drawings, we had a steady stream of requests for sketches and Max was nothing short of a rock star not stopping till everyone had what they wanted. Sunday he barely moved from his seat and I think I nearly killed him by selling copies of his book for him to sketch in on top of the commissions he took on. Here are a few examples of the stuff he was dishing out.

The main reason we were there was to let the world know about The Adventures of Rusty Blanketts and Mustache Carruthers, our soon to be released free web comic. We had the first ten pages with us as well as some concept art for future arcs, and it was great to finally show them to the public. We couldn't be happier with the reaction they got, and after working on them behind closed doors for so long it was a relief to see our two favorite adventurers embraced so unanimously. So to everyone that dropped by our table over the weekend, whether it was to get a sketch, buy a print, pick up Max's book, or even just to say hi and check out the pages, Thanks so much for your kind words, your support, and for being gentle with us on our first Fan-Expo weekend.

Stay Awesome


Come and see us this weekend!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hey Team

Just a quick note to let you all know that we are at Fan-Expo all weekend long in artists alley at booth A173 (right behind the DC booth). Come check us out and get a sketch. We also have Max's book and this is the first place you will be able to pick one up unless you pre-ordered, Max will be sketching in them all weekend for lucky folks who grab one. We also have some sweet prints including three new promo posters for Rusty and Mustache. They are 11x17's, High gloss, and if I may say so they look super slick. The best part is that we just want to get them in peoples hands so we are selling them at the outrageous bargain of 3 bucks each or 2 for 5. A great way to grab your self a sweet poster and help us get this stuff off the ground.Here is what they look like

A final note: things are a little crazy around here with the Con and the Rusty and Mustache launch in the next week or so (sorry Nana, I owe you a call), but look forward to a lot of new art going up in the next few weeks leading up to the launch, as well as a bunch of new stuff on the site. It's all coming soon, I promise.

Till next time
Stay sexy


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