Goings On

Friday, September 10, 2010

Hey Team

So there is a lot going on around here since Fan-Expo, if you have been staying tuned I am sure that you have noticed. I figured the time was about right to address some of these goings on.

Rusty and Mustache

I am sure that almost everone that has visited our little site in the last week or so is primarily in search of the first six pages of The Adventures of Rusty Blanketts and Mustache Carruthers. So where are our intrepid adventurers? Well the short answer is that they are not quite here yet. The real answer though is that leading up to Fan-Expo we had been talking about maybe switching to a rougher, clean pencils look for the comic. We thought it might look better and be faster for us to get out. Long story short, we tried some stuff out and ultimately decided the comic looked best as it was. The good news is that our little experiment hasn't put us too far behind schedule. The bad news is Rusty and Mustache's debut is going to be slightly delayed. I will keep everyone posted as we get them done, but expect the pages up soon. There will still be artwork going up every day or so until the launch, so keep tuning in and if you haven't already, check out the Rusty and Mustache page to see the artwork that has already been going up, there are a couple of really slick pieces, and there are plenty more to come.

New Things to Buy...ahem... I mean, New Ways to Support Us.

If you haven't visited our store yet, well now is the time. On top of the totally awesome Art of Max Haig sketchbook, we have now added our recent Fan-Expo Rusty and Mustache promo posters. Available seperately at five bucks a pop or as a set of all three for 12 bucks. Get them while they are hot, there are not many left and when they are gone they are gone. Also keep your eye on the store for some more great prints soon and if you see any artwork around the site that you dig feel free to ask about a print of it, we are totally cool that way.

Facebook and Twitter

We finally have both Facebook and Twitter up and running and both are being updated regularly. Adding us on either service not only ensures you will be updated about all the stuff going on at Awesome labs (including when the first 6 pages of Rusty and Mustache go up), but it also makes us feel really good. Like really, really good.

Lastly, we have officially hit 500 unique visitors to the site, and also have noticed a nice jump in our daily page views. I know in the grand scheme of things 500 unique hits is not a big deal, but these modest landmarks have made us very happy and are extremely encouraging. So thanks to everyone for your visits, comments and support. It means a lot.

Stay Awesome


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